Dashboard for the NC Climate Office
Student project, Fall 2019. A representative from the North Carolina Climate Office and our studio professor were to begin collaborating on a new project to help better display complex information about drought in a way that was useful to both experts and laymen.
At the start, we had very few specifications for this project, so each week we designed a mockup of a potential visualization style with our own selected information. We then presented these mockups to our liaison from the climate office, and discussed what types of information and visualization might be useful or not, refining the project as we went along.
After several weeks of refinement, we presented our ideas to the climate office as examples of the range of visualization styles and types of interactions that might be useful for the final rebuild of their website. Our professor encouraged me to go out on a limb with a unique way of looking at data over time, which was the crux of this project, and the "dot" timeline for streamflow (right) was my eventual answer to this proposed problem.